This is one of the first songs I can remember ever writing. From what I recall, at the time I thought I was writing it about someone I barely knew. Really, when I look back at it, like all my songs, it's a song for me. I was trying to tell myself that I liked who I was and I didn't need to change for me. Sometimes I still need that reminder.
Image credit: nandhukumar
This song spilled out of me at the airport while I was waiting to pick up a friend. I'd just stopped seeing someones with whom I felt really good about myself, really free and beautiful. I've always seen so much beauty in relationships, and in my mind, the more connections, the better. The more simultaneous entanglements, the more complicated and compelling my feelings will be, and so will be my story.
Image credit: Vincent Van Gogh - Three Sunflowers
I wrote this song in high school about a girl who was kind of mean to me, but I'm accidentally reclaiming it. Every time I hear it recently I think about my girlfriend, and how she sometimes lashes out in little ways when she's scared, which is a lot, because being with me is scary. I think about those moments, and how they really are about how brave she is and how much she cares for me. I think about it all the time.
I started writing this song in my head in an ice cream store. Maybe it's about sugar. Maybe it's about someone I've never met. I don't know. I didn't create the feeling; i just did my best to explain it.
Image credit: Henrik Omma
This is one of few songs I've written intentionally, thinking on purpose about every line and every melody. I did that as a test, to see whether the conscious part of me is involved at all in the songwriting process. Usually it feels totally involuntary and almost meditative.
I remember performing this song at Dallas' Akon one year. That was fun. But it's an intense, emotional, kind of dark song, so it was sort of a weird choice. Ah, well. Those folks are artsy. They get it.
This song is sort of a compilation of several different things I was toying around with in high school. Mostly I improvised on the piano in the choir room in between periods, and I took a couple of my favorite improvisations and turned them into this.
Image credit: Eric Kilby
This song was kind of an accident. I was fooling around with the new features in GarageBand on my iPad while on tour with the Notre Dame Glee Club. (Yeah, actually.) It was a good way to pass time on the bus between concerts. I asked my bifflemonster to do an improvised rap to test out the mic, and it was so good (and weird) that I spent the next hour finishing the song! And probably eating snacks. I'm big on snacks.
Image Credit: Staff Sgt. Jamal D. Sutter
This song is about how two of my three best friends moved to California, and my other best friend moved to Pittsburg (but was also considering California, so it totally counts) and I was bored and alone back home without them. Jerks.
This song was about my fears when I left home for the first time. My family was, as is true for many kids, my sense of morality and identity, and losing that constant support was scary. I simply wasn't ready to stand on my own yet.
About Me
I'm just a guy who writes music and then plays it. I feel like it's pretty straight-forward. Categories
September 2020